The Two Types of Cushing’s Disease: Pituitary Dependent vs. Adrenal Tumor Hyperadrenocorticism

When your dog suffers from Cushing’s disease, also called hyperadrenocorticism in the veterinary world, there are two main causes. The first is a tumor on the pituitary gland, which is termed Pituitary-Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism (PDH). This tumor accounts for about 85% of Cushing’s cases, according to The other, less common manifestation of Cushing’s is a tumor on the adrenal gland, referred to as Adrenal Tumor Hyperadrenocorticism (ATH). Both types of tumors produce the same result: elevated levels of cortisol in the dog’s body.

Pituitary Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism

While small dogs of certain breeds are more likely to contract PDH, this is the dominant form of Cushing’s disease. An ultrasound is the best way for a vet to determine that a pituitary tumor is present. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment options may become necessary as symptoms progress. Surgery is an option, though until recently it was considered risky and many vets wouldn’t practice removing a pituitary tumor. Many vets will also prescribe a medication that mimics a chemotherapy drug.

Adrenal Tumor Hyperadrenocorticism

Larger dog breeds more commonly contract ATH. In the case of a tumor on the adrenal gland, surgery is not the most popular recommendation by veterinarians. Vets are more likely to prescribe a chemo drug to shrink the tumor and destroy parts of the adrenal gland.

Other Ways to Address PDH and ATH Symptoms

While both PDH and ATH can be treated through medication, points out that “medical treatment of Cushing’s disease controls the symptoms but does not address the underlying problem of a pituitary or adrenal gland tumor.” This underlying problem is the overproduction of corticosteroids, which may be addressed in a nutrition-based approach to Cushing’s that many holistic vets are recognizing.

CushAway is a natural supplement that does address the root causes of Cushing’s. CushAway uses three active ingredients that research has shown to block or deplete corticosteroids: phosphatidylserine, melatonin, and HMR lignans. Using a natural supplement to assist in the treatment of Cushing’s poses little to no side effects like surgery or chemo drugs.